Estate Auction
SUNDAY, September 22, 2024 at 10:00 am
ON SITE at 3085 Red Village Rd. in East Lyndon, Vermont
Join us for a fun, old-fashioned auction and find a few treasures as we sell the contents of the home, garage, and Chapel of the late Richard & Alice Baird. They attended many an auction, and wanted their belongings dispersed this way. They built their lovely home and furnished it with sturdy furniture, some antiques, homemade items, Alice's collection of miniature tea sets, and books. They built a Chapel to share their faith, and its furnishings could be used by many organizations as well as individuals.
A few specifics: Maple dining set, 2 living room sets, recliners, side chairs, coffee and end tables, Victorian stand, newer dinette set, book cases, nice vintage bedroom set, sleigh bed and dressers, cedar chest, book cases and lots of books - Vermont titles & more, lamps, linens of all kinds, GE washer and dryer, gate leg table, music cabinet, Seth Thomas mantle clock, Thomas Kinkade clock, 80 +/- pieces of vintage Hull brown drip pottery, amber glass baskets, cookie jars, FK jadeite bowl, Pyrex nesting bowls, carnival glass berry set, sterling and plated spoons, large Friendly Village platter, blue willow grill plates, miniature tea sets, dolls, knic knacs, pottery, plant pots.
Generac 5000 generator, ladders, large toolbox, Husqvarna 924HV snow blower like new, lawn tractor lift, Homelite chainsaw, Sears lawn tractor (parts), lawn cart, wheel barrow, hand tools, garden tools, ramps, hoses & reels, snow shoes, metal storage cabinet.
10 newer oak pews w/ upholstered backs & seats, 7 folding tables, 2 vintage oak pews, 21 stacking chairs, 33 folding chairs, Conn organ & bench, Baldwin piano & bench, portable keyboard, 2 music stands, vintage pulpit, brass plate & candlesticks.
AUCTIONEERS: Lussier Auction Service Lyndonville, Vt. Reg: 802-535-6100
TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK (NO Credit cards) Lunch Available Chairs available
Go to www.lussierauction.com for pictures
Directions: due to flooding-take Rte 114 going north out of Lyndonville to Burrington Bridge Rd on right' at the top[ of the hill take Sugar House Rd to East Lyndon to home site. Follow auction signs from Rte 114.