Selling excellent equipment, tools, and furnishings for Sweet Tree Farm of 1656 US Rte 5 in East Dummerston, Vt 05346-9300.
Farm located on Rte 5 2 miles south of Exit 4 of I91.
Saturday April 20, 2024 10:00 AM
2009 John Deere 7130 4x4 tractor with full cab-ser#LO7130H615092-left hand reverser-460/85R-38 rears-380/85R-24 front-only 800 hrs-1 owner, JD 2350 4x4 tractor with 245 loader & canopy-ser# LO2350U548226-10415 hrs, NH LS160 skid steer with 4500 hrs, JD pallet forks, JD 318 garden tractor, GMC 4x4 3500 farm dump truck, H&S Heavy Duty 27 manure spreader like new, JD 630 MoCo disc mower, Kuhn GF5000T tedder, Kuhn GA 4120TH Master Drive gyro rake, Kuhn GA300GT gyro rake (needs repair), JD 328 baler with #40 kicker, 5 steel kicker wagons, SnoCo 20' elevator, JD 24' elevator, Salsco bale grabber, JD 2600 4 bottom reset plows, Brillion 14' Culti-packer, Brillion 10' seeder with slip-on wheels, Vicon 3pth fert spreader, 4' & 8' chain drag harrows, JD 609 bush hog, Farm Force 3pth scraper blade, Arps 3pth auger, Super Lor 3pth sickle bar mower, Timber Wolf TW-P1 wood splitter, 500 gal fuel tank with pump, Silver King squeeze chute with scales, other squeeze chute, large corral with 36 panels & 2 walk through gates to be sold complete, several head locks, round bale feeder, water tubs, gates, sheep feeders, woven wire and fencing supplies, ladders, chain saws, pressure washer, Wagner paint sprayer, several tool boxes & tools, anvil, air comp, Honda generator, drill press, Forney welder, many hand & garden tools.
Oak hutch, drop leaf table, 2 book cases, music stand, 2 game tables, very nice bedroom set, oak dresser, several rockers, Waterbury Ginger Bread clock, hurricane lamp, paintings and prints, kerosene lamps, some Flo Blue china, plus many more items.
Special: horse drawn wagonette (excellent), several English & Western saddles & tack
Viewing as per owners request: Sunday April 14 10:00 to 4:00, Friday April 19 10:00 to 4:00 and 8:00 sale day. Please respect these hours, we will be there for any questions or concerns.
Terms: Cash or Good Check sale day No Buyer's Premium Lunch Walk around sale
Owner: Deb Titus 1656 US Rte 5 East Dummerston, Vt. 05346-9300
Auctioneers: Lussier Auction Service Lyndonville, Vt. Reg Lussier 802-535-6100
Jon Lussier 802-371-7403, Toby Lussier 802-535-9567, Roland Ayer 802-343-3750
www.lussier.com for pictures, updates, and mailing list. This is an excellent sale to start the season with most items in excellent condition.